Τα λέγαμε για την Τσαμσουνγκ... κάποια στιγμή θα τελείωναν τα μεγέθη οθονών.
Επιβράδυνση της αύξησης των κερδών του κινητού τμήματος της Samsung
Το iFixit επαινεί το Mac Pro για τις δυνατότητες εύκολης αναβάθμισης και επισκευής.
http://www.ifixit.co... Teardown/20778
New Mac Pro Uses 68% Less Energy, 74% Less Aluminum Than Previous Generation
Το Review του Anandtech.
Apple’s big bet with the new Mac Pro however is on GPU computing becoming even more relevant in the future. Relying on CPU scaling alone the Mac Pro is doomed to moderate speed increases going forward. By leveraging a pair of high-end GPUs, including one more or less dedicated for compute work, Apple hopes to realize the sort of huge performance gains it has enjoyed in its phones/tablets over the years. The modern Apple is a company that values GPU performance, investing heavily in the GPUs used in all of its products. Even those that leverage Intel’s integrated graphics are pushed as far as possible within thermal constraints. It makes total sense that Apple would choose to outfit its highest end Mac with two GPUs.
It’s actually shocking how poorly Final Cut Pro 10.1 runs on older Mac Pros without an upgraded GPU (or even newer Macs with integrated graphics). It’s not uncommon to see an 8-core Mac Pro have the vast majority of its cores remain idle, waiting for effects to finish rendering on the GPU in some of these older configurations. If you haven’t upgraded the GPU in your Mac Pro you’ll likely see a tremendous performance increase when going to the new Pro.
Η Apple "κέρδισε τα Χριστούγεννα" είτε σε πωλήσεις είτε σε χρήση internet (για την αγορά της Αμερικής όπου και αύξησε το μεριδιό της).
To trollarisma της εβδομάδας.
Κάποιος δοκίμασε να επισκευάσει το Samsung Chromebook του...
Νέα δικαστική νίκη της Nokia κατά της HTC για πατέντα που αφορά ολόκληρο το οικοσύστημα Android
Το android δεν έχει θέμα μόνο κατακερματισμού αλλά και αισθητικής.
Android clearly feels like a system built and designed by engineers, not designers.
Kαραγκιοζιλίκια της M$.... 2 μήνες μετά αναβαθμίζει τον επεξεργαστή του Surface Pro 2.
Αρκετά σημαντικά πρόσωπα εγκαταλείπουν τις θέσεις τους στην M$.
Bill Gates ο φιλάνθρωπος. Hedge Fund Manager Refused To Join Bill Gates’ "Worthless" Giving Pledge
• Mr. Gates, I decided more than ten years ago to try to give away 70% of my net worth and have already given away one-half billion dollars. (I’ve never been a Forbes 400) So I really don’t have to take the pledge.
• Your ‘Giving Pledge’ has a loophole that renders it practically worthless, namely permitting pledgees to simply name charities in their wills. I have found that most billionaires or near billionaires hate giving large sums of money away while alive and instead set up family-controlled foundations to do it for them after death. And these foundations become, more often than not, bureaucracy-ridden sluggards. These rich are delighted to toss off a few million a year in order to remain socially acceptable. But that’s it.
• I’m going to stay far away from your effort. But thanks for thinking of me.
• Mr. Gates, thanks much for your email. But as my previous email indicated, I wouldn’t have much fun or add much value to this group. You, being a liberal, think you can change people more than I think.
• When rich people reach 50 and are beginning to slow down is the time to begin engaging them in philanthropy. I’d greatly appreciate just leaving it at that.
How Is Tim Cook Doing Taking Over From The Legendary Steve Jobs?
Κάτι μας είπε τώρα αυτή η έρευνα... λες και δεν το ξέραμε. Τα ευκολως εννοουμενα παρα και λείπονται 
iGenius: Είναι οι χρήστες iPhone εξυπνότεροι από τους κατόχους άλλων smartphones;
Το πρώτο gadget που στοχοποιεί τους nerdules.
It is pretty great when you are on the road — as long as you are not around other people, or do not care when they think you’re a knob.
When I wear it at work, co-workers sometimes call me an asshole. My co-workers at Wired, where we’re bravely facing the future, find it weird. People stop by and cyber-bully me at my standing treadmill desk.
Do you know what it takes to get a professional nerd to call you a nerd? I do. (Hint: It’s Glass.)
Mέχρι και ο σαπιοκοιλιάς του Google+ ο Scoble γράφει για το GGlass μια συσκευή που ούτε οι υπάλληλοι της Google δεν χρησιμοποιούν και ΔΕΝ στηρίζουν: GGlass is doomed.
4 Reasons Why Apple’s iBeacon Is About to Disrupt Interaction Design