Ήρθε σε κανέναν σας αυτό το μνμ; Μόλις τώρα ήρθε σε 'μένα.
Το γελοίο της υπόθεσης είναι ότι δν έχω κάνει καμιά συναλλαγή με τη Revolut αυτό το μήνα (Ιούνιο).
Διόρθωση, έκανα top up σήμερα, έχει όριο;
Επίσης να το δουν αυτοί που λέγανε ότι δεν θα έχει χρεώσεις..
Υπήρχε και υπάρχει χρέωση 2% όταν παίρνεις μετρητά πάνω από 650€/μήνα.
Πουθενά άλλου δεν έχει χρεώσεις.
Δείτε και το κείμενο :
ATM Withdrawals
ATM usage is FREE for up to £500 / €650 / $700 (or equivalent) a month, after which there will be a 2% fee applied to further ATM withdrawals until the end of the month. For example, if you withdrew £550 in one month, this would only cost you £1. We have to pass on these costs as Revolut doesn't own the ATMs...yet!
If you are approaching your ATM withdrawal limit, don't worry, you can still spend as much as you want on your Revolut card instead, as this policy ONLY applies to ATM withdrawals
USD Debit Card Top-Ups
Supporting debit card top-ups in USD is expensive for us. We are working to bring these costs down. Until then, we have to pass on our costs, which are 3% per USD top-up. In this case it might be cheaper for you to top up via bank transfer.
Don't forget though...spending, sending and exchanging in USD is completely FREE
Illiquid Currencies
For most currencies we provide you with the interbank rate...Awesome! However there are some illiquid currencies such as Thai Baht and Russian Ruble which are difficult for us to trade. For these currencies we will give you the best rate we can. You can check all these rates within the app.
Peterv using Tapatalk