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Top 10 Applications!

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#31   Spirou


    iPH Member

  • 226 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 6
  • Tablet:iPad 2 +3G

Δημοσίευση 08/03/2010 - 17:51

Top 40 best iPhone apps of all time

iPhone Communication Apps

AIM: This ad-supported version of the AOL Instant Messenger allows you to stay logged in all the time if you like, and thanks to the iPhone OS 3 push features, you can always be notified of new incoming instant messages from your contacts. AIM will also allow you to send messages to SMS numbers, connect with users on ICQ, iPhone users can take pictures with the camera to use as buddy icons and a whole lot more.

Fring can help you cut down on the number of individual applications you need to stay connected with the various instant messaging services. You can use AIM, Google Talk, ICQ, MSN Messenger, SIP, Skype, Twitter and Yahoo!

Skype: This was probably one of the most eagerly anticipated applications for the iPhone, and in record time after its release it had hit over 1 million downloads. While you can’t make calls over a wireless connection, you can make them over Wi-Fi which will allow you to make free Skype-to-Skype calls, call regular phone numbers and all of the other Skype features you’ve come to love.

Yahoo! Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger gives you a nice threaded conversation history view so you can see who said what and when. You can also share images with other users, pass around emoticons, switch your status to invisible and everything else you have come to expect from Yahoo!.

iPhone Game Apps

iShoot: An extremely popular entry in to the artillery game genra. Play against the AI or friends via Wi-Fi to be the last tank standing after all of the dust settles.

Myst: Myst was THE must-have computer game for a long time, and now it has not only made its way to the iPhone and iPod Touch, but they updated the graphics for even smoother gameplay in this atmospheric thriller.

Pac-Man LITE: While this app only allows you to play through the first level of the classic Pac-Man arcade game, do you really need more than that? I’ll spoil it for you, in later levels, Pac-Man is chased by ghosts while he eats little dots. You know, kind of like the first level.

Star Defense: The application store is over flowing with turret defense type games, but Star Defense is an easy stand out in this genre for its graphics as wel as its gameplay.

Tap Tap Revenge: Just about everyone has some iteration of this game on their iPhone or iPod Touch. Some are paid, some are free and others are even specific to certain bands, but all of them have one thing in common: fun.

Tetris: The official version of the Tetris game, which has been added to just about every imaginable device known to man since the game first appeared in 1984.

Wolfenstein 3D Classic: Wolfenstein 3D launched the entire first person shooter genre of games, and now the full original game is in the palm of your hand any time you want it.

iPhone Internet Apps

Free Wi-Fi Finder:
Have a hankering to get in some time with a free Wi-Fi hotspot? Free Wi-Fi Finder will help you locate hotspots with free access for either the area you are in using the iPhone’s GPS, or for an area you designate.

SpeedTest.net Speed Test:
The popular Internet speed checker comes to the iPhone and iPod Touch. Think your Wi-Fi connection is acting sluggish? Unsure of your 3G speed? Open up this app and see just how fast your connection really is running.

iPhone Miscellaneous Apps

BubbleWrap: Who doesn’t enjoy popping the bubbles on packing material? Well, now you can do it any time you like, and if you feel like making a game of it you can even see how many you can do in the time allotted.

iBeer: “Brew” and “drink” beer with your iPhone or iPod Touch. Select the type of beer you want, then brew it so you can “drink” it any time you want, but remember to shake it up first so it gets “foamy”!

Lightsaber Unleashed: Not exactly a game, but just a whole lot of fun. ”Ignite” the lightsaber of your choice, then swing it around to hear those infamous sounds they would make in the movies as they swung through the air.

Virtual Zippo Lighter: Customize your Zippo lighter as you see fit and then “light” it so you can hold up at concerts or just for the fun of playing with it.

iPhone Music Apps

Last.fm: Part social network and part streaming music, Last.fm brings all of your favorite aspects of the popular webiste to your iPhone and iPod Touch. You can share music with friends, mark songs as favorites, check out bios & concert information and a whole lot more.

iPhone users can blow air over their microphone, and then by covering the “air holes” on your screen and moving the phone around to change the pitch, you can create music. Just want to hear what others have done? Just press on the globe icon to hear music that other Ocarina players have come up with.

Pandora Radio: The popular free streaming online radio comes to the iPhone and iPod Touch with an app that brings the most popular features such as thumbs up & down for songs, creating channels and so on.

Public Radio Tuner:
Get quick access to the live Internet streams of over 300 National Public Radio stations across the United States.

iPhone News Apps

AP Mobile:
The Associated Press has been a name in syndicated news since 1846, and with this iPhone and iPod Touch application, they are continuing to deliver the news well into the 21st century.

BBCReader: Get news from all around the world via one of the most trusted names in news gathering, the BBC. The application will also sync your news so that you can read it while you’re offline, like on a cross country flight.

NYTimes: The New York Times brings their biggest headlines from each section of the paper directly to your iPhone or iPod Touch.

iPhone Social Networking Apps

Facebook: While the Facebook application doesn’t give you 100% of the normal experience you get from going to the website, but it gets darn close to it. This app allows you to change your status, check what your friends are up to, see new photos they’ve posted, start chats and more.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn gives you full access to your professional social networking profile so you can stay in contact with those that you’ve worked with, that have recommended you, when you need to remind yourself of a bit of information before attending a meeting with them amongst many other uses.

MySpace Mobile:
While numerous people say they have given up on MySpace due to the annoyances like auto-loading music and glittery graphics. Well, the iPhone app makes it almost fun to check in on the site again as the profiles are stripped down, the site is a breeze to navigate with just a few swipes of your finger and more.

iPhone Travel Apps

Google Earth: Look up any location on Earth with this handy mobile version of the Google Earth desktop application. See satellite photography and information at any time.

Taxi Magic:
With just the tap of a few buttons, you can summon a cab in 25 major cities across the United States, while in 4,000 other locations you can do a tap to call disptach. The app also allows you to see where your cab is, and you can also pay your safely and securely with a credit from within the application.

Unsure of where you want to eat tonight? Urbanspoon allows you to select things like style, location and cost, and get suggestions of where you might go. Feeling totally random? Just shake the application and see what you end up with!

Out wandering around the streets and wonderinf if the coffee house you just past is any good? Look it up on Yelp to see what the user reviews have to say about it.

iPhone Twitters Apps

TweetDeck: The most popular Twitter desktop client comes to your iPhone and iPod Touch and brings its most popular feature with it that you can sort your followers in to different columns so that you can easily see who it is that’s talking.

Twittelator Pro: Twittelator Pro packs an amazing array of features in to this Twitter client. You can located nearby users, manage multiple accounts, use autorefresh, a built-in browser for vieing links and a heck of a lot more for a total of 150 features every user will love.

Twitterrific: Twitterrific was one of the first Twitter clients to come out for the iPhone and iPod Touch and remains a favorite even as the market grows more and more crowded. You can manage multiple accounts, shorten URLs, customizable themes and numerous other features.

iPhone Utility Apps

CardStar: Tired of your wallet exploding with all of your various membership and points cards for different retailers? CardStar allows you to enter your membership number for a program and it will generate a scannable bar code you can use when checking out. The app has hundreds of programs already in place, and you can add any that they do not have listed.

This one doesn’t need a whole lot of explanation as the name tells you exactly what the app does which is turn your screen in to a flashlight.

iHandy Level Free: Need to hang a picture? With iHandy Level Free there is no more “that looks level” guessing, just whip our your iPhone or iPod Touch and you have an actual working bubble level at the ready any time, any where.

The Movies app from Flixster allows you to watch trailers for upcoming films, see what theaters near you are playing certain movies, see the showtimes for the movie/theater of your choice and more.

Control your Apple TV or your iTunes with your iPhone or iPod Touch from anywhere in your Wi-Fi range. This app will let you see the album cover artwork, create new playlists, play with the Genius feature and more.

The Weather Channel: While the Apple devices come with a weather application, it leaves a lot to be desired in the ways of forecasts. The Weather Channel application allows you to look at radar maps, see video of the last weather happenings, get warnings and even more.

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: Spirou, 08/03/2010 - 17:59



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#32   Spirou


    iPH Member

  • 226 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 6
  • Tablet:iPad 2 +3G

Δημοσίευση 08/03/2010 - 18:04

The Best iPhone Apps Of 2009 (Appvee Edition)


Facebook 3.0
Access your friends, notes, pictures, and events using almost every feature the actual site offers. This app, based on the enormous social networking site, has seen many changes and just keeps getting better with time.

View trailers, see showtimes, purchase tickets and read reviews using this free movie app. This is a must have for any moviegoer, giving you all you need to know about movies in your area at your fingertips.

Beejive 3.0
One of the first applications to take advantage of push notifications, this multi-client instant messaging app is in a class of it’s own. Using its push features, iPhone and iPod touch users can easily hold IM conversations with their friends anywhere.


Brings your desktop to your iPhone or iPod touch. Link up with your computer and access your computer screen from afar. The interface is easy and feature-filled, delivering the best VNC experience to your device.

Mobile Navigator

Filling the void left by the default maps application, this app offers turn-by-turn directions from your device just like any dedicated GPS would. It provides a landscape GPS with plenty of features and a user interface that makes sense.


Sync up with your Dropbox account and have access to all of your files right from your device. You can download files, upload photos, and maintain control of your folders.

Textfree Unlimited

No one likes paying to text. This app offers free texting via push notifications. The interface is similar to the default SMS app and is a great alternative to paying your phone company.

Google Mobile App
This app has revolutionized search on the iPhone with its voice search and in-app browsing. Speak a search query and the app will accurately recognize it and do a Google search. Not a Google fan? Check out the Bing app.


All the wonderful features that can be found in the TweetDeck desktop app are packed into this iPhone version. With a sleek interface and great features, this app is one of the best of the many Twitter apps out there.


Offers the entire Craigslist experience in one easy package. Buy, sell, and save more by searching through posts and bookmarking ones for later use.


One of the first apps to bring live television to the iPhone, Ustream gives you the ability to see many live streams of all types of content on your mobile device.


Flight Control

The line drawing game that started it all, this app is very simple but insanely addicting. Each level gets harder as you play and keeps you coming back for more.


Combining awesome graphics, addictive gameplay and a little bit of randomness, Peggle is an exciting mix. This game brings a casual experience to the iPhone that has yet to be rivaled.

Rolando 2

The sequel to the hit game, this app takes the Rolando tilt formula and cranks it up. This game is an improvement in almost every way to the original and really shows what iPhone-specific gaming can provide.

Pocket God
The king of all time-wasting games, this app puts you in charge of some prehistoric pygmies who are completely at your mercy. Regular updates and features make it a pleasure to continue feeding them to the fishes.

Enigmo 2
Taking the puzzle genre to new heights, this app gives players everything they loved in the first game and puts it all in three dimensions. And you thought the first one was hard…

One of the best first person shooters that can be found in the app store, N.O.V.A. puts the Halo formula into your pocket with a complete single-player and four-player multiplayer experience.

Labyrinth 2

Building on the app that started it all, this version gives you more than just holes to worry about as you will have to solve puzzles and dodge all sorts of objects. The game also offers the option to create your own boards and share them with the world.

Everyone loves skeeball. Now it has been brought to the iPhone in a fun way. One of the most recognizable arcade games, this app is simple and addictive.


As a full-fledged action RPG, this app brings the complete role-playing experience to the iPhone. Zenonia features attractive graphics and rewarding gameplay.

Real Racing

Arguably one of the best racing games for the iPhone, this app has great graphics, tight controls and immersive sound, making it one of the coolest racing experiences ever on a handheld.

Sims 3

Start a family and watch them interact in this full-featured Sims experience tailored specifically for the iPhone.

Rock Band
EA’s answer to the popular Guitar Hero franchise, this app employs some big names in the music industry and lets you tap your way to fame.

Super Monkey Ball 2
This exciting balance game gets a small overhaul and some great new maps making it the king of its kind.

Doodle Jump

Another highly addictive game that sells for cheap but never grows old. The game is casual and simple, a perfect addition to any iPhone.

Words With Friends

A Scrabble clone with a great interface, this app allows you to play multiple games against players all over the world by alerting you via push.


Red Laser 2.2
A step forward in innovation, this app scans barcodes using the iPhone camera and then returns pricing from various online sites. While still in its infancy, this app could revolutionize the way we shop.

Storyboarding in your pocket. Hitchcock allows aspiring cinematographers to create movie layouts while on the go.
LINK: AppVee’s Hitchcock Review

I Am T-Pain

Impress your friends by altering your voice with autotune. This app was an instant hit and gives you the ability to be a star the next time you are ‘on a boat.’

Ringtones for email. Mailtones allows you to identify who just emailed you by their individual sound tone. Offers a new level of customization for your inbox.

Leaf Trombone

Leaf Trombone is a fun app that lets you play a slide instrument on your iPhone. Create your own songs and share them with the world.

#33   Spirou


    iPH Member

  • 226 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 6
  • Tablet:iPad 2 +3G

Δημοσίευση 08/03/2010 - 18:11

The 11 Best iPhone Apps of 2009

Bolstered by arrival of the 3GS, launch of in-app purchasing and push notifications, the iPhone apps of 2009 have become richer and more robust experiences. Across 11 categories, we’ve selected the best apps of the year. In every category, each winner is an essential addition to your iPhone.

This is the ultimate roundup of essential apps for your iPhone from 2009.

Best Game: Rolando 2: Quest for the Golden Orchid

The sequel to 2008’s Rolando expands on the tilt ‘n’ swipe platforming action of the original. This time round, we’re brought an entire troupe of colorful Rolando characters to protect, alongside a tropical island inhabited by new baddies and a lost Rolando tribe. The artwork is gorgeous, the gameplay is excellent and, thanks to NGMoco’s Plus+ awards system, it’s got bags of replay value too.

Runners-Up Best Game: Gangstar: West Coast Hustle, Doodle Jump

Best Social & Communications App: Tweetie 2

Having formed his own development studio after working at the Cupertino campus, Loren Brichter has established himself as one of the premier App Store developers. Brichter’s skill is feeding his experience at Apple into his apps, Twitter client Tweetie 2 is an impressive showcase of his ability to distill a feature-rich experience into an app with a clear user interface. The app also rolls in a few unexpected new features including video tweeting, profile management and improved location-based searches.

Runners-Up Best Social Communications App: Skype, foursquare

Best Use of Push Notifications: Boxcar

Despite the arrival of push notifications on iPhone earlier this year, it’s still taking many developers time to implement these handy pop-up notifiers in their apps. There’s no push for most Twitter clients, no Facebook push and not even native email push from Apple. Boxcar is the missing push notifier for your favorite apps. The app includes push for Twitter, email, Facebook, RSS and even Growl.
Runners-Up Best Use of Push Notifications: NotifyMe, Ping!

Best News App: Byline

Under the hood, the app updates with the latest news in seconds, syncing happily with Google Reader. Unlike other news readers, while Byline is updating with the latest news, you’re able to keep browsing articles without suffering from any lag. It’s certainly not the most feature-rich news reader, but Byline brings together a clean interface with a robust RSS reader.

Runners-Up Best News App: The Guardian, Newstand

Best Use of Content: NFB Films

The National Film Board of Canada have brought a vast quantity of their video content to the iPhone, all of it wrapped in an easy-to-use free app. There are over a thousand videos available to browse, soak up and send to friends: from documentaries and animations to shorts and trailers for forthcoming releases.

Runners-Up Best Use of Content: McSweeney’s, Panelfly

Best Video App: ReelDirector

Apple may be stalling on bringing iMovie to the iPhone, but that’s nothing to worry about thanks to ReelDirector. With it’s powerful features, the app enables you to edit video footage into your own shorts before sending your latest amateur epic to your friends. In particular, the selection of high quality video transitions really add to the wow effect.

Runners-Up Best Video App: UStream Live Broadcaster, iTimeLapse

Best Photography App: Photoforge

Just like ReelDirector brings video editing to the iPhone, PhotoForge does the same for your photography. First-time users will be drawn to the impressive array of filters on offer, including Blur, Tilt Shift, Simulated HDR and Lomo. Once you’ve got to grips with the filters, there’s also a selection of Photoshop-style tools, including smudge, clone and brushes in a variety of shapes.

Runners-Up Best Photography App: Flickr, QuadCamera

Best Sound App: I Am T-Pain

The year’s most over-used and perhaps abused audio-effect, the auto-tune, has landed on iPhone as Smule’s I Am T-Pain. The app essentially makes even the most cat-screechingly awful singer sound as perfectly tuned as Kanye West. Most importantly, you’ll need absolutely no musical ability to have fun with this brilliant sound toy.

Runners-Up Best Sound App: Mujik, Touch DJ

Best Productivity Tool: NotifyMe

If you’re all about organization and productivity, NotifyMe will keep up-to-date with your task list. Thanks to a sleek user interface and ultra-fast startup time, there’s very little friction between you and the app, meaning you can be entering tasks and then getting back to work in moments. When it’s time to get a task done, the app will send you a push notification, plus there’s even a snooze option (perfect for habitual procrastinators).

Runners-Up Best Productivity Tool: Quickoffice, Pastebot

Best Lifestyle App: Jamie Oliver’s 20 Minute Meals

Jamie Oliver brings cooking to the iPhone and true to his style, the entire app is friendly, fun and approachable. There are currently 55 delicious recipes in the app, each one can be whipped up in 20 minutes. To help you along the way, in addition to a range of quick kitchen tutorials recorded by Jamie himself, there’s an interactive shopping list tool and portion calculator.

Runners-Up Best Lifestyle App: Couch to 5K, I Am Safe

Best Utility: Dropbox

The Dropbox service brought off-site backup to the masses. On the desktop, it runs in the background, securing your files and even letting you share them with friends, colleagues and clients with a couple of quick clicks. Although long-awaited, the iPhone app didn’t disappoint. You can browse your Dropbox using the app, plus share files and even save specific content to your iPhone for quick access.

#34   assassinos


    iPH newbie

  • 27 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Άντρας

Δημοσίευση 09/03/2010 - 16:08

Σας παραθέτω τις δέκα καλύτερες εφαρμογές κατα την γνώμη την δική μου:

Απλά το καλύτερο gps που πιστεύω οτι έχει άριστη απόκριση σε σχέση με άλλα προγράμματα.

Ενημέρωση για το προφίλ σου,update το status με απλό τρόπο όπου και να βρίσκεσαι,και πολλά άλλα για το social network.


Απομακρισμένη διαχείρηση και έλεγχος του utorrent


Οτι υπάρχει τριγύρω μου με λίγα "κλικ"!

5.The body
Τα πάντα για το ανθρώπινο σώμα με αρκετά ρεαλιστικές φωτό και άριστη επεξήγηση,ισώς σαν μείον βρίσκω το οτι δεν έχει Ελληνικά.

Γίνε bartender στο λεπτό!Χιλιάδες κοκτέϊλ με αναλυτικό τρόπο παρασκευής.

7.ΑppBox Pro.
Το σουγιαδάκι του iphone.Αυτη η εφαρμογή έχει τα πάντα!

8.file system
Mεταφορά αρχείων μέσω Bluetooth

Ενημέρωση για device,battery status,Network,Task manager κ.α.

10.Take me to drive
Έχεις παρκάρει και μετά δεν θυμάσαι που;Η εφαρμογή αυτή θα σου δείξει που έχεις παρκάρει,και θα σε πάει στο αυτοκίνητο σου (λειτουργει με googlemaps)

#35   Spirou


    iPH Member

  • 226 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 6
  • Tablet:iPad 2 +3G

Δημοσίευση 23/04/2010 - 16:10

Top 10 iPhone Applications 2010

The top 10 iPhone Apps list features the best iPhone applications that should be ready for your iPhone as soon as you pull the iPhone from its coveted black box. All iPhone Applications now available on iTunes.com! Shop Now!

1. Yelp

Yelp connects you to user reviews of restaurants, bars and other businesses — has some nifty features. Monocle lets you point your iPhone camera’s viewfinder in any direction for an “augmented reality” street-view version of nearby establishments. The Nearby feature shows you in both list and map format which restaurants are closest to you. Bookmarks lets you read up on the spots you want to check out, add them to your bookmark list and view their location too.


Mint makes budgeting fun with it’s slick interface and color coded graphs and charts. The iPhone app allows you to check in with your account on the go. You can see alerts (“You’ve spent too much on parking!”) and take a quick look at your budgetary goals, which may be just the thing to prevent that impulse buy, or remind you that $4 lattes add up really fast.

3. Gorillacam

Pretty much from nowhere, Gorillacam arrived in December 2009 from the creators of the Gorillapod tripods. It mashes together a slew of features to hugely improve an iPhone’s camera (timer, multi-shot, spirit-level, on-screen grid, ‘press anywhere’ capture), meaning you can bin a half-dozen standalone apps that offer similar things.

4. Facebook

The revised grid-based ‘home screens’ provide speedy access to regularly visited sections (news feed, notifications, and so on) and pages, and the experience is such that it in many ways beats the browser version.

5. Fring

Skip past expensive data charges for international calls with the free VoIP caller Fring (free). With it, you’ll be able to talk to friends using Skype, SIP, Windows Live Messenger (MSN), Google Talk, and ICQ’s protocols–as long as you have a strong Wi-Fi connection. In addition, you can skip over Palringo altogether and IM with Fring instead. It supports the chat services above, as well as AIM, Yahoo, and Twitter; but you’ll lose out on photo messages.

6. RunKeeper

The prospect of Nike+ but better and for free might sound unlikely, but that’s what RunKeeper Free provides. The app uses an iPhone’s GPS capabilities to track your jogging route, and provides mapping and details of pace and calories burned. Activities can be shared online, and treadmill runs can be entered manually.

7. Slacker Radio

When it comes to streaming Internet Radio, Slacker Radio is one of many comparable free music discovery apps that help you find cool songs to stream over the Internet. Slacker Radio gets you streaming songs from genre-based stations and from “stations” you create yourself around one or more artists.

8. Photoshop.com Mobile for iPhone

Photoshop.com Mobile for iPhone includes essentials like a cropper and rotater, color adjusters, and a handful of effects to change tone and tint, or apply thematic edits to give images a border or vintage feel. Apart from its no-cost price tag, the other major draw to Adobe’s Photoshop iPhone app is the one-button uploading of photos to a Photoshop.com account, as an alternative to saving edited photos on the phone. We also like being able to snap a photo using the tool and then upload it to Photoshop.com right away.

9. Bloomberg Mobile

Bring the power of the most trusted source for financial information to your iPhone, along with tools to help you analyze the world’s markets. Bloomberg offers news, stock quotes, company descriptions, market leaders/laggers, price charts, market trends analysis, and more. You are also able to create a customized list of stocks that you want to follow from markets around the world.


When it’s a movie-going experience you want, go straight to the free Movies app, populated by Flixster.com. You’ll find a logical tabbed interface where you can get movie showtimes, tickets, trailers, and maps to nearby theaters. Movie-watchers can hunt by title, theater, and rating. Flixster’s iPhone app offers a seamless, rich experience for finding reviews, upcoming titles, new DVD releases, and some artsy flicks. Integration with Netflix, Facebook, and Yelp helps make Movies the ultimate customized cinematic companion–at least for the U.S, U.K., and Canada.

#36   Spirou


    iPH Member

  • 226 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 6
  • Tablet:iPad 2 +3G

Δημοσίευση 23/04/2010 - 16:20

Aρ. 10 : AthensBook

Ο απόλυτος οδηγός της Αθήνας στα χέρια σου. Χωρισμένα σε συγκεκριμένες κατηγορίες, όλα τα σημεία ενδιαφέροντος εντός του Νομού Αττικής προσφέρονται σε όποιον κατεβάσει την εφαρμογή AthensBook. Μπορείς από το να εντοπίσεις τα ΑΤΜ τραπεζών μέχρι και τα κοντινά βενζινάδικα με την τιμή στην οποία πωλούν τη βενζίνη! Κάθε σημείο ενδιαφέροντος παρουσιάζεται μέχρι και πάνω στα Google Maps, έτσι ώστε να μη χαθείς ποτέ. Διατίθεται δωρεάν.

Aρ. 9 : Photoshop Mobile

H πασίγνωστη εφαρμογή επεξεργασίας εικόνας έρχεται σε μία light έκδοσή της για το iPhone. Μπορείς πλέον να επεξεργαστείς με τα προσφερόμενα εργαλεία όλες τις ήδη υπάρχουσες στο κινητό σου φωτογραφίες ή ακόμη και να τραβήξεις πλάνα επιτόπου και να ξεκινήσεις να τα επεξεργάζεσαι. Αρκετά χρήσιμη για όσους θέλουν να δώσουν ένα προσωπικό τόνο στις φωτογραφίες τους. Διατίθεται δωρεάν.

Aρ. 8 : UEFA.com Mobile

Όλος ο κόσμος του επίσημου site της UEFA στην οθόνη του iPhone σου. Βρίσκεσαι στο OAKA ή το Καραϊσκάκη και ψάχνεις να δεις τι γίνεται στους άλλους αγώνες, τους σκόρερ ή ακόμη και να μάθεις αν ο επόμενος αντίπαλος έχει τραυματισμούς; Το UEFA.com Mobile αναλαμβάνει να σε ενημερώσει σε πραγματικό χρόνο για όλα τα σκορ, τους τραυματισμούς και τις κάρτες, την ώρα της εξέλιξης των αγώνων. Η εφαρμογή υποστηρίζει ενημέρωση γύρω από το Champions League, το UEFA Europa League, το UEFA Under-21 και το Euro των γυναικών (γιατί όχι;). Διατίθεται δωρεάν.

Aρ. 7 : Greek Yellow Pages

Ο ελληνικός Χρυσός Οδηγός στα χέρια σου με όλο τον όγκο πληροφοριών που τον χαρακτηρίζει. Η εφαρμογή σου επιτρέπει να εντοπίσεις οποιονδήποτε επαγγελματία είναι καταχωρημένος στις ηλεκτρονικές σελίδες του Χρυσού Οδηγού και να αποκτήσεις πρόσβαση άμεσα σε όλα του τα στοιχεία. Μέσα από μια ειδική παράμετρο, το πρόγραμμα μπορεί να εντοπίσει βάσει θέσης όλους τους κοντινούς προορισμούς σε μία κατηγορία (πχ. ξενοδοχεία). Αποκτήστε το δωρεάν τώρα από το App Store.

Aρ. 6 : Wikitude

Διάβασες το σχετικό άρθρο του MensLounge για τις εφαρμογές που έρχονται να αλλάξουν την πραγματικότητά σου μέσα στην πόλη και ενθουσιάστηκες. Ώρα να δοκιμάσεις την τύχη σου. Το Wikitude είναι η πρώτη διαθέσιμη εφαρμογή που σου επιτρέπει να προχωράς και να εντοπίζεις real-time οτιδήποτε ενδιαφέρον βρίσκεται γύρω σου. Άνοιξε το application, γύρνα το κινητό προς μία κατεύθυνση και δες τον επόμενο προορισμό. Διατίθεται δωρεάν και ανανεώνεται κάθε μήνα με νέες τοποθεσίες και σημεία ενδιαφέροντος!

Aρ. 5 : Skype

Δουλεύεις από το σπίτι και μιλάς (δωρεάν βέβαια) με φίλους και γνωστούς μέσω Skype. Ακόμη και αν δεν έχουν iPhone οι φίλοι σου, μπορείς να επικοινωνήσεις μαζί τους από την ειδική εφαρμογή της εταιρίας για το κινητό της Apple. Το πρόγραμμα φορτώνει τις επαφές σου και με απλά πατήματα στην οθόνη της συσκευής μπορείς να κάνεις κλήσεις όπως αν ήσουν μπροστά στην οθόνη των Windows. Διατίθεται δωρεάν από το App Store, τρέξε να προλάβεις!

Aρ. 4 : Navigon MobileNavigator Eastern Europe

Έχεις δει κατά καιρούς αυτοκίνητα με άπειρους βραχίονες και gadgets κρεμασμένα από καρέκλες, καθρέπτες, εξαερισμό και γελάς. Λογικό. Θέλεις ένα GPS, έχεις ήδη μια βάση για το iPhone και δε θέλεις να κάνεις το νέο σου αμάξι τσίρκο. Η Navigon σου προσφέρει τη δυνατότητα να χρησιμοποιήσεις τους χάρτες και τους μηχανισμούς πλοήγησης των GPS της, αγοράζοντας μόνο το software, το οποίο συνεργάζεται με τον δέκτη του iPhone για να σου δείξει την ακριβή θέση όποιας τοποθεσίας αναζητήσεις. Διατίθεται είτε με χάρτες όλης της Ευρώπης προς €99.99, είτε με χάρτες μόνο των ανατολικών χωρών (και της Ελλάδας) στην τιμή των €69.99.


Aρ. 3 : iRadio GR

Πάντα γουστάρουμε να βλέπουμε αξιόλογες ελληνικές προσπάθειες σε οποιοδήποτε τομέα και το iPhone GR είναι ένα από τα καλύτερα προγράμματα που κυκλοφορούν αυτή τη στιγμή. Χάρη στην απλοϊκότητά του, με 2 πατήματα στην οθόνη του iPhone μπορείς να ακούσεις τον αγαπημένο σου ραδιοφωνικό σταθμό μέσω διαδικτύου και του ηχείου του κινητού σου. Από τη στιγμή που η Apple δεν μας κάνει την τιμή να κυκλοφορήσει το ειδικό περιφερειακό-ραδιοφωνικό δέκτη που έχει υποσχεθεί εδώ και μήνες, σιγά μην κάτσουμε να σκάσουμε. Αγόρασε το iRadio GR τώρα έναντι €0.79.

Aρ. 2 : Midomi SoundHound

Οδηγείς και ακούς ένα κομμάτι στον αγαπημένο σου σταθμό, ο οποίος βέβαια επιμένει στο να μην αναφέρει τους τίτλους των τραγουδιών. Τρελαίνεσαι και αρχίζεις να τηλεφωνείς δεξιά κι αριστερά μέχρι να τελειώσει το κομμάτι για να ζητήσεις τη βοήθεια φίλων και γνωστών, αλλά τζίφος. Το Midomi έρχεται για να σε σώσει, αφού μπορείς είτε να βάλεις το ακουστικό του iPhone στο ηχείο του αυτοκινήτου, είτε ακόμη και να τραγουδήσεις το ρυθμό του κομματιού που θέλεις να στο φέρει στην οθόνη. Για όσους το πρόλαβαν, διατέθηκε δωρεάν, τώρα κοστίζει €5.49.

Aρ. 1 : Facebook

Πρέπει να έχεις κατέβει από τον Άρη για να μη γνωρίζεις τη δημοφιλέστερη υπηρεσία κοινωνικής δικτύωσης που έχει ανοίξει (και κλείσει) σπίτια. Μέσω της εφαρμογής Facebook, μπορείς πλέον να συνομιλείς με τους πραγματικούς και φανταστικούς σου φίλους, να ανεβάζεις τις φωτογραφίες που τραβάς με το κινητό σου και να σχολιάζεις τους πάντες και τα πάντα. Διατίθεται δωρεάν και ανανεώνεται σχεδόν μία φορά το δίμηνο με νέα χαρακτηριστικά.

#37   Nem


    iPH newbie

  • 9 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Άντρας

Δημοσίευση 02/05/2010 - 12:12

1. Shazam Encore
2. Convert Units
3. Facebook
4. Tapatalk
5. iSystem info
6. HiCalc Free
7. Wikipedia
8. FileApp
9. vTie
10. Virtuoso Piano

#38   Gagarin


    iPH Enthousiast

  • 543 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 7
  • Tablet:iPad mini Retina
  • GameCenter:aterzop

Δημοσίευση 27/09/2010 - 01:38

Απο Apple Store...
5.My Football Pro 2
16.Shazam Encore
17.iRadio GR
18.Exandas - Greek
19.RunKeeper Pro
20.Star Walk

Απο Games
1.The Creeps!

Απο Cydia
1.Lock Calendar
3.Recent/CallLog Delete


#39   Dimalvel


    iPH User

  • 135 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 4S
  • Tablet:iPad 3

Δημοσίευση 15/11/2010 - 16:30

άν υπολογίζουμε και cydia τότε 1)Sbsettings 2) Winterboard 3)SwitcherPlus 4)MakeItMine 5)BiteSms 6)Trainyard(παιχνιδάκι) 7)InfiniFolders 8)Infinidock 9)PwnTunes 10)SnapTap(Τραβάσ φωτό με τα volume buttons) Δεν μπορώ να τα βάλω ιεραρχικά γιατί δεν ξέρω πιό να πρωτοξεχωρισω :D

#40   vasalu


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Δημοσίευση 05/05/2011 - 16:07


1. AndroindLock XT

Εφαρμογη που αντικαθιστα το κλασικο κλειδωμα του iphone με τον δικο σας ιδιαιτερο τροπο.

2. Barrel

Αλλαζει το στυλ που κουνιουντε τα εικονιδια οταν αλλαζουμε σελιδες στην αρχικη οθονη.

3. Infinifolders

Επιτρεπει στους φακελους να εχουν απεριοριστα εικονιδια μεσα τους και οχι μονο 12.

4. Locktopus

Εφαρμογη που μπορειτε να κλειδωσετε ολες τισ εφαρμογες σας με κωδικο δικο σας.

5. SBRotator

Επιτρεπει στο iphone να γυρναει σε landscape σχεδον παντου.

και φυσικα...

6. SBSettings

Δεν χρειαζοντε περιγραφες.

App Store:

1. Navigon

GPS. Το καλυτερο για μενα!

2. AthensBook

Οδηγος για να βρισκετε ολα τα ενδιαφεροντα σημεια στην Αθηνα.

3. Weather+

Εφαρμογη για τον καιρο.

4. Facebook

5. Twitter

6. Skype

7. Shazam

8. Ebay

9. Radio Greece

10. Photosynth

Εφαρμογη που ενωνει φωτογραφιες και σας επιτρεπει να βλεπεται τι υπαρχει και γυρω απο μια φωτογραφια.

#41   neoaggelos


    iPH Addict

  • 831 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@neoaggelos
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • GameCenter:neoaggelos2

Δημοσίευση 28/12/2011 - 13:40

μμμμ.... δυσκολο


viber (ειπωθηκε παραπανω, δωρεαν κλησεις)
barrel (διαφορα οπτικα εφε στην εναλλαγη μεταξη των οθονων)
pwntunes (βαλτε μουσικη που κατεβασατε στο music.app)
ifile (περιηγηθειτε στο συστημα αρχειων του μηλοφωνου)
folderenhancer (ακριβως αυτο που λεει το ονομα)
sbrotator (στριφογυριζει την springboard οπως το ipad)
iconoclasm (αλλα ζει το πως τοποθετουνται τα εικονιδια στις οθονες)
scrollingboard (βαθια επεξεργασια του springboard και του dock)
springtomize (σαν το scrollingboard αλλα και για αλλα θεματα)
multifl0w (μεταβειτε γρηγορα μεταξη των ανοιχτων εφαρμογων)

μονο το viber ειναι απο το app store, τα αλλα απο cydia

σε σειρα τωρα ειναι δυσκολο:

#42   Vangelis21


    iPH Member

  • 207 μηνύματα
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Δημοσίευση 28/12/2011 - 14:01

παιδια να πω κι εγω τη γνωμη μου.
Το τοπικ αυτο ειναι πολυ χρησιμο αλλα συγνωμη κιολας, ετσι δε γινεται δουλεια.

προταση μου θα ηταν να υπαρχουν 4 sections.
- app store free
- app store paid
- cydia free
- cydia paid

εκτος απο αυτο, θα επρεπε αυτος που εφτιαξε το τοπικ να κανει συμαζεμα στο αρχικο ποστ με τις app και ποσες ψηφους πηρε η καθε μια. ΕΚΤΟΣ απο αυτο, καλο θα ηταν οποιος προτεινει (και αυτος που ξεκινησε το τοπικ) apps, να γραφει με λιγα λογια διπλα το τι κανει η καθε μια.

τελος, καλο θα ηταν να μην υπαρχει οριο στον αριθμο γιατι αλλος μπορει να εχει 4 αγαπημενες κι αλλος 44.

ελπιζω να δημιουργηθει ενα ΤΕΡΑΣ τοπικ και να βοηθησει πολλους. Αν ενδιαφερεστε θα μπορουσα να το οργανωσω

#43   loudaki


    iPH Member

  • 251 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Γυναίκα
  • Κινητό: iPhone 6S

Δημοσίευση 10/01/2012 - 11:13

Οχι δεν αγοραζω τπτ.Απο το installus κατεβαζω!
Ναι αυτο το καταλαβα οτι δεν παιζει να λειτουργε...Σ ευχαριστω παντος.
Καποια εφαρμογη ομως που να χρησιμευει?Οπως ειπα κ πιο πριν ειμαι καινουριος στην Apple και τωρα τα ανακαλυπτω.

ψάξε για αρχή στο google για best photo apps iphone
Ενδεικτικά δες αυτά:

Από photo apps οι αγαπημένες μου είναι
Dynamic Light

#44   sayian


    iPH Addict

  • 659 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Άντρας

Δημοσίευση 10/01/2012 - 11:35


Αυτες χρησιμοποιω πιο συχνα εγω :P :P (αφου το topic δεν αναφερεται σε 3rd party apps αποκλειστικα)

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από: sayian, 10/01/2012 - 11:37

#45   tilemahosro


    iPH newbie

  • 33 μηνύματα
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 4S
  • GameCenter:tizlsart

Δημοσίευση 15/02/2012 - 13:57

9.Action Movie



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