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Apple event at 9/9

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#1   sepsis


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Δημοσίευση 04/09/2008 - 19:36

Eιναι πλεον επισημο
Το επομενο event λαμβανει χωρα την ερχομενη Τριτη.

Προκειται για το λανσαρισμα των νεων iPod, ενω μεταξυ αλλων περιμενουμε το νεο iTunes με την πιθανη υποστηριξη του 2.1 που περιμενουμε να εχει Ελληνικα και copy/paste και πιθανον το 32GB μοντελο του iPhone.

Σχετικα αρθρα
iTunes 8
4th Gen iPod



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#2   sepsis


    iPH Hero

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Δημοσίευση 09/09/2008 - 19:11

Λοιπον, μεχρι στιγμης εχουμε τα εξης

iTunes 8


What’s new? Accessibility (voice over), New Browsing, Genius (like the rumors said)

in iTunes 8, you can now browse albums by albums cover, and toggle Albums, Artists, Genres and Composers in the tabs at the top. Ex: for any artist, you can scan through all their albums if you scrub over their icon, just like in iPhoto.

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock18.jpg[/img]

Genius: “Automatically make playlists from songs in your library that go great together - with just one click.” Essentially the rumor that we had before, with iTunes automatically making a playlist based on what music you already listen to.

The Genius sidebar also makes recommendations from the iTunes store, which shows you songs from the store (some from other artists) that “go great” with your current songs.

Today they’re adding HD TV Shows. $2.99 for HD shows, $1.99 for regular SD shows. You can watch them on Apple TV and your computer.

NBC is coming back to iTunes! Monk, The Office, Battlestar Galactica, 30 Rock, Heroes and some more.

All these shows will be in high def as well as standard def.

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock12.jpg[/img]

#3   sepsis


    iPH Hero

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Δημοσίευση 09/09/2008 - 19:16

Genius information gets sent up to the cloud, to iTunes, to feed them your musical tastes. It’s sent anonymously, plus it’s opt-in. Nobody will link you with your crappy taste in music.

The combined info of you and other iTunes users will combine and be analyzed by Apple, and generate results to tailor your music library every week.

Now a demo of browsing. Jobs is choosing an Aretha song—Respect, natch—and then going over to browsing albums by Genres and Composer. This also works for movies and TV shows.

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock24.jpg[/img]


Jobs was demonstrating the Genius feature. Pick a song, make a Genius playlist out of it, then look at all the songs that are just like it in that playlist. It’s Pandora, essentially.

iTunes 8 is available today at Apple.com.
[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock25.jpg[/img]

#4   sepsis


    iPH Hero

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  • Κινητό: iPhone 5
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Δημοσίευση 09/09/2008 - 19:19

Now we’re moving on to the iPod. In July, the iPod has a 73.4% marketshare in the US.

Sandisk has 8.6%, Microsoft has 2.6%, and “Other” is 15.4%. Not too bad, Microsoft.

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock27.jpg[/img]

Steve Jobs talks about third-party manufacturers “announcing products before we even want them to.” “It’s not funny.”

iPod Classic: currently, it’s being offered in thin and thick: 80GB and 160GB. The 80GB is being upgraded to 120GB, and the 160GB is being discontinued. Same as the Zune.

The 120GB can fit 30,000 songs. Moving on!

#5   sepsis


    iPH Hero

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  • Κινητό: iPhone 5
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Δημοσίευση 09/09/2008 - 19:24

The iPod nano is next. They’re going through the generations of iPod nano, saying that the 2nd gen (tall and silver) was much beloved. But the third had video.

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock32.jpg[/img]

The new nano: it’s exactly what we’ve seen. Skinny, rounded, and a lot like the 2nd gen Nanos. Portrait aspect ratio plus the exact same resolution display. It’s oval, and just as tall as the iPod Nano 2G.

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock33.jpg[/img]

The display takes up almost exactly half the front. Jobs is holding it up to the camera for a closeup. He’s got a nice looking wedding ring too.

The front is curved glass, it’s the “thinnest iPod ever”, has an enhanced user interface plus an Accelerometer. The body is curved aluminum. You can create Genius playlists directly on the nano.

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock38.jpg[/img]

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock37.jpg[/img]

The new UI has longer menus, icons next to songs and full sized album art. Photos and video can be displayed in landscape mode. If you push and hold the center button, you get a pop-up menu with Genius, add to on-the-go, browse album and browse artist. Similar to the scheme you have in the iPod Touch/iPhone now.

The iPod nano even has a voice recording feature when it detects a microphone attached.

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock39.jpg[/img]

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock40.jpg[/img]

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock41.jpg[/img]

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock42.jpg[/img]

While the music is playing, he can rotate the nano sideways to get coverflow mode (like the Touch and iPhone). Apple definitely took a lot of design elements from the two touchscreen devices to make this.

New feature! Shake to shuffle. Shake your iPod and it starts shuffling.

#6   sepsis


    iPH Hero

  • 8236 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@hsouris
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 5
  • Tablet:iPad 3 +4G

Δημοσίευση 09/09/2008 - 19:32

Now photo viewing. Thumb through photos with the clickwheel, switch to landscape then back to portrait.

Battery life: 24 hours music, 4 hours video. Jobs reiterates that it’s the thinnest iPod ever.

He’s now talking about the environmental concerns that Apple’s thinking about. These new nanos are using arsenic-free glass, BFR-free, mercury free, PVC-free and highly recyclable. Jobs says it’s the “cleanest” most “toxic free” iPods they’ve ever made.

The nanos now come in a whole crapload of colors. Black, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, violet BUT NO WHITE.

$149 for the 8GB model, $199 for the 16GB model.

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock48.jpg[/img]

8GB should be in stock today, 16GB early next week at the latest (probably this weekend).

They’re also announcing accessories including headphones and armbands. The headphone, actually, has an in-band control feature to have volume control, playback control (next, prev, play pause) from the button. There’s also a microphone on the back that works with the voice recording app. These will be $29 next month.

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock50.jpg[/img]

Apple’s also announcing a new in-ear headphones, with two drivers each (woofer + tweeter) and will be $79. Jobs says “they finally got it right this time”, which is good because the old in-ear ones kind of suck.

New iPod nano ad coming up. All the different nano colors flying on screen to arrange the rainbow lineup you saw earlier. Sort of like the New Line movie studio logo, if you remember how that looks.

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock51.jpg[/img]

#7   sepsis


    iPH Hero

  • 8236 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@hsouris
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 5
  • Tablet:iPad 3 +4G

Δημοσίευση 09/09/2008 - 19:39

The iPod Touch is also being redesigned. The Touch now is thinner, with a contoured steel design. What’s the same? a 3.5-inch display, accelerometer, 802.11b/g and the app store. What’s different? An integrated volume control on the side, a speaker, and Genius playlist creation.

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock55.jpg[/img]

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock57.jpg[/img]

There’s Nike+ iPod! Built in to the iPod Touch. BUILT IN to the iPod. The receiver is built-in to the iPod Touch, so no receiver necessary.

It’s unclear whether the Nike+ hardware is only in the new ones or if the old Touch or the iPhones can do this. Will look out for any info on this.

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock59.jpg[/img]

[img width=600 height=398]http://cache.gizmodo...dletsrock60.jpg[/img]

Now Jobs is demoing the Genius playlist creation directly on the iPod Touch. Pretty much what you’d expect, and the playlist will remain on your iPod for as long as you want.

As for the App Store, people have downloaded 100 million apps in 60 days. Not sure how many of these are paid and how many are free.

The wireless App Store is available in 62 countries as of now

The Genius button is at the top of the now playlist list, under the scrubber where you can fast forward through the song. Click that and you can make a Genius playlist.

He’s showing Iron Man, and saying that the screen is great to watch movies on. Adrian says David Lynch would disagree.

Jobs is now inviting Phil Schiller on stage to demonstrate some unreleased games on the iPod Touch.

#8   sepsis


    iPH Hero

  • 8236 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@hsouris
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 5
  • Tablet:iPad 3 +4G

Δημοσίευση 09/09/2008 - 19:56

The iPod Touch also works with the new headphones previously announced. Battery life is 36 hours for music, 6 for video.

The environmental checklist is the same as the nano (scroll down to check it out).

“This is the funnest iPod ever.” – Steve Jobs

The 8GB is $229, 16GB is $299 and 32GB is $399. All available starting today. Here’s an iPod Touch ad.

The ad focuses on games, which includes shaking, gestures and screen pressing. There’s also music tacked on there at the end to show that it’s still an iPod. “Funnest iPod ever” is the catchphrase used.

#9   sepsis


    iPH Hero

  • 8236 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@hsouris
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 5
  • Tablet:iPad 3 +4G

Δημοσίευση 09/09/2008 - 19:58

The iPod Touch has software 2.1, which includes Nike+ and Genius playlists. First-gen iPod Touch owners get a free update from 2.0, but if you haven’t, it’s $9.95 to 2.1 from 1.x. Updates are available today.

iPhone owners get a 2.1 software update that “fixes lots of bugs.” Significantly improved battery life, fewer call drops, crashing problems, increased speed for iTunes backups and various other fixes.

The iPhone update is free and will be available this Friday.

#10   noob


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Δημοσίευση 09/09/2008 - 20:29

... δεν υπάρχει δηλαδή περίπτωση να δούμε Ελληνικά στην v2.1 :-( Αλλιώς κάποια αναφορά θα έκανε ο Steve για υποστήριξη νέων γλωσσών! άντε να δούμε

#11   Slacker


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Δημοσίευση 09/09/2008 - 20:35

Περίμενα περισσότερα πράγματα...
Όσο για το 2.1 ελπίζω τουλάχιστον να δούμε διαφορά στην μπαταρία.

#12   sepsis


    iPH Hero

  • 8236 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@hsouris
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 5
  • Tablet:iPad 3 +4G

Δημοσίευση 09/09/2008 - 20:39

Προσωπικα ειμαι αισιοδοξος. Σιγα μην λεγανε εκει περα οτι προστεθηκαν τα Ελληνικα, δεν τους νοιαζει. Θα μαθουμε για σιγουρα την Παρασκευη.

Το iTunes βγηκε btw. Κατεβαστε το!

#13   noob


    iPH User

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Δημοσίευση 09/09/2008 - 20:55

Εγώ δεν το κατεβάζω αν δεν δω κάποια επίσιμη ανακοίνψση απο τους Dev team! Δεν με ενδιαφέρει τόσο να έχω τζιτζιρζ-μίτζιρα στο iTunes όσο το να έχω το iPhone μου Jailbreaked :-)

One more thing!... Που είναι το Push Notification οέο?

#14   sepsis


    iPH Hero

  • 8236 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@hsouris
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 5
  • Tablet:iPad 3 +4G

Δημοσίευση 09/09/2008 - 20:58

H αναβαθμιση στο iTunes δεν εχει σχεση με την αναβαθμιση στο iphone. Δεν θα κλειδωσει η συσκευη ;)

Καλη η παρατηρηση για το Push notification

#15   sepsis


    iPH Hero

  • 8236 μηνύματα
  • Twitter:@hsouris
  • Φύλο: Άντρας
  • Κινητό: iPhone 5
  • Tablet:iPad 3 +4G

Δημοσίευση 09/09/2008 - 21:13

χμ..ανακαλω τλκ

    *  17 languages supported: English, French, German, Japanese, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Russian, Polish
    * 30 international keyboards supported: English (US and UK), Czech, Danish, German, Spanish, Finnish, Estonian, French (France and Canada), Croatian, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese (QWERTY and Kana), Korean, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, Simplified Chinese (Handwriting and Pinyin), Traditional Chinese (Handwriting and Pinyin)
    * 19 dictionaries supported: English (US and UK), Danish, German, Spanish, Finnish, French (France and Canada), Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Russian, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese



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