[img width=600 height=450]http://img354.images...onemodemab8.jpg[/img]
There’s have been quite a few ways to use your iPhone as a Modem. Earlier methods were cumbersome and too complex for normal users.
Then came an easier way, an app called NetShare was launched which made things very easy.
I had also posted a Tutorial to Use your iPhone as Modem via the NetShare Application.
But NetShare was not a free application. An alternative to NetShare has just been released and is now available via Cydia !
The Application is named simply as “iPhone Modem” and promises to tether your iPhone within just 10 seconds !
I haven’t personally tried it yet, but from what I heard it works just as advertised and easy to use !
Get it now from Cydia.
Ανοιχτός σε κάθε ερώτηση...
modified: Apple image removed (too large)
Free App to Use iPhone As Modem/ iPhone Tethering
, 14/09/2008 16:35
4 μηνύματα σε αυτό το θέμα
Δημοσίευση 14/09/2008 - 16:35
Δημοσίευση 14/09/2008 - 16:56
Thanks! Πολύ καλό και χρησιμο! Δικό σου είναι;
Δημοσίευση 16/09/2008 - 17:08
Ενός γνωστού μου (μιλάει μόνο Αγγλικά).
Αλλά επειδή του είπα ότι έχω ένα Forum που ενδιαφέρει το θέμα, μου το έδωσε.
Αλλά επειδή του είπα ότι έχω ένα Forum που ενδιαφέρει το θέμα, μου το έδωσε.
Δημοσίευση 17/09/2008 - 12:38
Δημοσίευση 28/09/2008 - 19:51
Πολύ καλό. Το έχει δοκιμάσει κανείς;
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